‘A Crown for Her Majesty’ (Friends of Angmering Station & ArtWorks)
Competition for Primary School Age Children - Categories 4-7 and 8-11. Entries on 21cm square paper (painting, drawing, collage). Picture of Crown only not Face. Entries to be handed in at Angmering Station. Entrant’s name, age & contact details on reverse.
Contact: Deirdre Carolin Tel: 07943 095000
Email: d.carolin1@sky.com
Jubilee Exhibition at the Museum (Samuel Wickens Centre)
Explore Royal Memorabilia spanning the Queen’s historic 70-year reign from her Coronation to this year’s special events, including Royal marriages and past Jubilees. What do you remember? Displays will also include items from previous Jubilee’s such as that of George VI. The Museum is also collecting memories and photos from this year’s Jubilee, so please bring them in!
Jubilee Weekend Opening Hours:
Thursday 2 June 10.00 am - 2.00 pm
Friday 3 June 10.00 am - 2.00 pm
Saturday 4 June 9.00 am - 5.00 pm
The Museum is located in Broadmark Lane Car Park (behind Waitrose), BN16 2NW
Email: museum@rustingtonpc.org or Tel: 01903 788478.
Jubilee Colouring Competition (Rustington Library)
‘Royal Theme’ Colouring Competition for older and younger age groups. Prizes for each age group. Entry Forms available from the Library 23-28 May (to be returned w/c 30 May). Winners drawn Saturday 4 June.
Email laura.sauvary@westsussex.gov.uk or vicki.davey@westsussex.gov.uk
Website: westsussex.gov.uk/libraries/whats-on-in-libraries/special-events-for-children/
Facebook: @West Sussex Libraries
Hunt The Missing Corgis (Rustington Library)
Come and hunt around the Library for the Queen’s missing corgis. Entries added to a prize draw at the end of the fortnight. FREE activity available during Library opening hours from 23 May–4 June.
Email: laura.sauvary@westsussex.gov.uk or vicki.davey@westsussex.gov.uk
Website: westsussex.gov.uk/libraries/whats-on-in-libraries/special-events-for-children/
Facebook: @West Sussex Libraries
Jubilee Crafts at the Museum
Taking place in the Museum, you can make some colourful bunting to decorate your room or home for the Jubilee, or even make your own coasters fit for a Royal Tea. Take them home and celebrate the Jubilee in style! All crafts are free, and no need to book. Suitable for all ages, there will be Museum staff and volunteers on hand to help.
You can also create your own selfie postage stamp. Dress up as royalty and pose for your very own stamp (not a real one!!) to add to our wall of fame and take a copy home too!
Email: museum@rustingtonpc.org or Tel: 01903 788478
Rustington Jubilee History Trail - Various locations throughout the Village - Available 24hrs.
(Rustington Heritage Association in partnership with Rustington Parish Council)
An interactive Village Trail awaits, revealing fascinating Rustington events that have occurred in the past 70 years. There are 16 clues to collect for a chance to win a prize in the Jubilee Lucky draw.
Trail Maps can be collected from the Museum from 28 May - you may even discover a clue whilst you are there!
Expect the unexpected on this interactive Trail! FREE Event.
Email: museum@rustingtonpc.org
Make Your Own Jubilee Crown (Rustington Library)
Come along and make your very own Jubilee Crown. Under 10’s only. Drop in between 2.00 pm-4.00 pm. All materials provided. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Email: laura.sauvary@westsussex.gov.uk or vicki.davey@westsussex.gov.uk
Flower Festival Preview Opening Concert “Floral Celebration with Words and Music” Doors open 7.00 pm (St Peter & St Paul Parish Church)
There will be an opportunity to preview the flower arrangements and enjoy light refreshments before the Concert at 8.00 pm. The Concert in aid of church funds (Registered Charity Number 1133812), featuring talented organists and friends, will contain some well-loved music drawn from the many years of the Queen’s reign. Tickets £7.50 available during ‘Coffee Break’ - Church Hall Wednesdays 10.00 am-12 noon or Church Office 01903 850509.
Email: spsp.office@gmail.com
Website: sspeterandpaul-rustington.org.uk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/rustingtonchurch
Kings’ and Queens’ Lunch Party - 12 noon-3.00 pm (lunch) 3pm-5pm (fun and games) - Parish Church Hall (St Peter and St Paul’s Pantry)
(By Invitation only)
Guests will dress up as a King or Queen to attend a special Platinum Jubilee Lunch Party.
Contact Charles Sims Tel: 07958 271925
Email: qecltd@hotmail.com
Website: sspeterandpaul-rustington.org.uk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/rustingtonchurch
‘A Right Royal Quiz Night’ - 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm - Village Memorial Hall, The Woodlands Centre (Littlehampton District Lions Club)
Teams of six. Entry £7.00 by Ticket (in advance) to include Fish & Chips Supper. Patriotic Attire is encouraged. Proceeds of Raffle to Lions’ Charitable Trust.
Contact Alan Kerry Tel: 01903 784017 or 07508 329931
Email: alan.kerry@gmail
Website: Littlehampton District Lions Club - Lions e-Clubhouse
Facebook: www.facebook.com/littlehamptonlions
Rustington History Walk - 10.00 am - Start/Finish at Rustington Museum (Graeme Taylor & Rustington Heritage Association)
A Walk through the Village (Approx. 2-3 hours). FREE Event. Donations to St Barnabas Hospice.
Graeme Taylor will be leading three guided walks around Rustington looking at how the Village has changed over time, bringing to life the famous people who have made the Village home and reminiscing about the places lost over time. With his vast knowledge of Village history and images to be shown, this is a walk not to be missed! The walk starts and finishes at the Museum, beginning with an introductory talk. It is about 3-4 miles in length and please note that there are a few steps involved (Mill Lane Bridge) and a footpath (condition is weather dependent!). So please ensure you have suitable footwear and bring a drink as, of course, we are expecting good weather! Donations to St Barnabas Hospice. Places are limited to 15 on each walk, so booking is essential.
Contact Rustington Museum Tel: 01903 788478
Email: museum@rustingtonpc.org
Website: www.rustingtonmuseum.org/whats-on/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/rustingtonmuseum
Rhoda Garrett Talk - Saturday 3.00 pm - Samuel Wickens Centre (Graeme Taylor)
A Talk on Rhoda Garrett, including Sir Hubert Parry & Millicent Fawcett about women’s suffrage and Rhoda & Agnes Garrett’s business.
FREE Event. Donations to St Barnabas Hospice.
The Museum will be hosting a talk on Rhoda Garrett by Graeme Taylor as part of the Jubilee Programme. Rhoda, a frequent visitor to Rustington, was a pioneering Suffragist, cousin to Millicent Fawcett and a friend of Sir Hubert Parry. With her cousin Agnes, they started their own interior decorating business in their own names, a first for women in England. This talk was very popular when it first ran in November 2019 and this year there will be two opportunities to hear the talk. Donations to St Barnabas Hospice.
Places are limited to 40 so make sure to book in advance.
Contact Rustington Museum Tel: 01903 788478
Email: museum@rustingtonpc.org
Website: www.rustingtonmuseum.org/whats-on/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/rustingtonmuseum
Flower Festival and accompanying activities (St Peter & St Paul Parish Church)
All are welcome to come and see wonderful flower displays by gifted members of the Church and Village community. FREE Entry. Join us for coffee, cake, or a cream tea in Church on Thursday. Refreshments on Friday & Saturday will be served in the Church Hall when Ploughman’s Lunches will also be available. A Jubilee Fayre with Stalls will be held in the Church Hall (Saturday only*).
Festival opening hours:-
Thursday 10.00 am-4.00 pm
Friday 10.00 am-12.00 pm & 2.30 pm-4.00 pm
Saturday 10.00 am-4.00 pm*
Sunday 12.00 noon-2.00 pm
Contact Church Office Tel: 01903 850509
Email: spsp.office@gmail.com
Website: sspeterandpaul-rustington.org.uk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/rustingtonchurch
‘Fun Bowls and Games For All Ages’ - 9.30 am-12 noon - Village Memorial Hall, The Woodlands Centre (Rustington Short Mat Bowls Club)
A fun morning with some ‘different’ bowls games and other activities. Suitable for all ages from 4-104. FREE Entry - small charge for each Competition entered. All proceeds to local Charities.
Contact Linda May Tel: 01903 772849
Email: may_linda@hotmail.co.uk
‘Alice in Wonderland Mad Hatters Tea Party’ - 2.00 pm-4.00 pm - Samuel Wickens Centre (Family Support Work Chichester Diocese) (By Invitation only)
Tea Party for Families with Primary School Age Children. Buffet-style refreshments, fancy dress optional, craft activities: decorate your own hat, tile decorating, biscuit cupcake decorating, make your own bunting and story-time corner.
Contact Rebecca Carter Tel: 07747 481360
Website: www.familysupportwork.org.uk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/becca.fsw
Rustington Street Fayre - Village Centre - 10.00 am-4.00 pm
(Littlehampton District Lions Club in partnership with Rustington Parish Council)
Fundraising Stalls, music and entertainment for all the family
See poster for further details
Art Event (Arts & Crafts Stalls and ‘Lockdown’ Art Exhibition) - 10.00 am-4.00pm - Methodist Church Hall (ArtWorks)
Hand-made Arts & Crafts including glass, candles, textile art cards, cushions, jewellery, wood craft & bags, painting stalls, etc. and ‘Lockdown’ Exhibition featuring crafts made in ‘ArtWorks’ Workshops. Plus a Plant Sale and Waste Prevention & Recycling Information Table in the Church Garden. FREE Entry.
Contact Lyn Leese Tel: 07572 388670
Email: lynleese@sky.com
‘Cream Tea at The Platinum Club’ - 11.00 am-2.00 pm - Samuel Wickens Centre & Garden - (Rustington Platinum Social Club)
Cream Tea with Tombola, ‘Count the Sweets’, ‘Guess the weight of the Cake’, ‘Put the jewel on the Queen’ and a Plant and Book Sale. FREE Entry.
Contact Polly Revell Tel: 07743 590 540
Email: pollyrevell@hotmail.co.uk
Website: rustingtonplatinum.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/rustingtonplatinum2014
Ice Cream Sundae Parlour - 2.00 pm-finish - Coffee Lounge at Methodist Church (Rustington Methodist Church)
Contact Brigette Alexander Tel: 01903 776900 or Tel: 07757 717730
Email: brigette.rmc@gmail.com
Website: Rustington Methodist Church (rustington-methodist.co.uk)
Jubilee ‘Family Fun Event with BBQ’ - 3.00pm-5.30pm - The Lamb Public House, The Street
‘Celebration Cake Competition for Her Majesty’ (Cakes to be distributed to local Care Homes to enjoy), Pimms Stall, Children’s Face Painting Station.
Contact Elaine Tel: 01903 783227
SORRY SOLD OUT! Jubilee Prom Concert - 7.00 pm - Village Memorial Hall, The Woodlands Centre (Littlehampton Concert Band and Rustington Community Choir in partnership with Rustington Parish Council)
Contact Rustington Parish Council Tel: 01903 786420
Email: enquiry@rustingtonpc.org
Website: www.littlehampton-concertband.co.uk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/littlehamptonconcertband
Children’s Funfair - Woodlands Recreation Ground (North Field) (Showtime Amusements)
Saturday 2.00 pm-7.00 pm
Sunday 11.00 am-6.00 pm
Contact Rustington Parish Council Tel: 01903 786420
Email: enquiry@rustingtonpc.org
Antique and Collectors Fair - 10.00 am-3.30 pm - Village Memorial Hall, The Woodlands Centre (Arun Fairs)
Stalls selling a variety of goods including postcards, haberdashery, studio pottery, toys, books, silver, coins & badges, clocks, oriental, decorative arts, medical & ephemera. Hot & cold refreshments available. Entry £1.00 on the door.
Contact Teresa Tel: 07563 589725
Email: silkroad@btinternet.com
Junior Kwik Cricket Primary Schools’ Tournament (10.30 am) and Adult Charity Cricket Match - Rustington Cricket Club & Dental Build XI v Rustington Traders X1 (2.00 pm) - Woodlands Recreation Ground (Rustington Cricket Club)
BBQ, refreshments, tombola, various stalls. Proceeds to Disasters Emergency Committee (Ukraine Appeal) and Bliss (Babies Born Premature or Sick).
Contact Simon Tel: 07970 147573
Website: www.rustingtoncricket.club
Website: www.rustington.play-cricket.com/
‘Old Fashioned’ Garden Party - 3.00pm-5.30pm - The Lamb Public House, The Street -
Live Music from Pandamonium, Kids Magician, Best Dressed Table Competition (To be decorated in red, white & blue, tables £10 each, prize for best dressed).
Contact Elaine Tel: 01903 783227
Live Music & Entertainment - 4.00 pm until late - Rustington Sports and Social Club, Jubilee Avenue
Website: www.rustingtonssc.co.uk
‘Songs of Praise’ for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee - 11.00 am - Methodist Church Garden - (Churches Together in Rustington)
Churches Together invite you to come and enjoy a relaxing time singing hymns and songs and hearing stories from local people about their faith journeys. Please bring a chair or rug. FREE Entry.
Contact Desmond Bellew Tel: 07730 335404
Email: ramonbellew@gmail.com
Family BBQ - 12.30 pm-3.00 pm - Rustington Methodist Church Garden (Rustington Methodist Church)
Ticketed Event, FREE Entry. (Charge for food & drink).
Contact Brigette Alexander Tel: 01903 776900 or Tel: 07757 717730
Email: brigette.rmc@gmail.com
Website: Rustington Methodist Church (rustington-methodist.co.uk)
Rustington’s Got Talent - 7.30 pm - Village Memorial Hall, The Woodlands Centre
(Rustington Residents Association & Rustington Players)
Talent Show for all types of Acts. Cash prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd. Entry £5.00 on the door. All profits
to RNLI. Auditions will take place on Sunday 22 May.
Contact Polly Revell Tel: 07743 590 540
Email: pollyrevell@hotmail.co.uk
Website: https://rustingtonresidents.co.uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Rustington125
Details of the National Celebrations can be found at https://platinumjubilee.gov.uk/