The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, was widely celebrated up and down the country. In Rustington, most events took place at the Recreation Ground in Woodlands Avenue, beginning at 9.30 am with an open air church service. The festivities paused whilst the Coronation took place, at 11.45 am, allowing people to watch on their newly purchased television sets, or to listen on the radio. Events resumed at 3pm with a baby show and donkey derby. There followed maypole and square dancing, and the Coronation Princess was crowned. The carnival procession moved off at 6pm, returning at 7pm, followed by Country Dancing, in which the villagers were encouraged to join. At 9pm the Queens speech was broadcast, and at 10 o'clock there was community singing. The day finished with a torch light procession and bonfire.
Photo Mary and Bev Taylor Courtesy of Graeme Taylor: The torch light procession passing The Lamb
Footage of a Donkey Derby (NOT Rustington):
Information regarding the Coronation: