This is a Meeting of the Parish and is, therefore, open to all electors so please do come along.
This year's Meeting will be held on Thursday 10 April 2025 commencing at 7.30pm.
It gives everybody an opportunity to discuss local matters, and "meet" their Parish, District and County Councillors. It is held in the Village Memorial Hall at the Woodlands Centre.
No. Although a Parish meeting is convened, chaired and minuted by the Parish Council, it is not a Parish Council meeting but a meeting of registered electors (including those councillors who are registered electors).
The purpose is to enable the registered electors to discuss Parish affairs and to pass resolutions thereon. This meeting is also an opportunity for the Parish Council (and higher tiers of local government) and community group leaders to explain their activities over the last year.
Anyone may attend but only registered electors in the parish may speak and vote.
Yes, any registered elector may ask questions of the Council. These will usually be answered by the Chairman or a Member of the Council if present. An elector may also make suggestions and comment on local issues and propose resolutions.
The Chairman of the Parish Council shall chair the meeting if present. In his absence the Vice Chairman shall preside if present. If neither can attend, then the meeting will elect a chairman from those electors present.
Councillors can attend as members of the public (electors) and have no special role. They will speak if requested, but the purpose of the meeting is to enable the ordinary electors to have their say. Electors have the opportunity to raise questions and make comments if they wish.
Yes, a written record of the meeting could be taken and kept in a minute book as well as published on the Parish Council website. The rules on the signature and admissibility of minutes are the same as those for Parish Council meetings and approved at the next meeting of the Parish.
As long as it needs to be and within reason. It really depends on those present and the number of questions and the discussion that is raised.
No specific facilities are required but a table might be provided, if requested.
Date | Agenda | Minutes |