Parishioners' Awards

Parishioners' Award 2024 - Nominations are now closed.

The closing date for the receipt of nominations was Monday 22 April and the winners will be announced in June. 

With 39 fantastic and worthy Winners since 1982 who will be the 40th Winner??


How are the Awards decided?

Two Awards can be made - one to an Individual and one to a Group/Organisation - in recognition of outstanding Public Service to the Community.

All Rustington Parishioners or parish-based organisations (including voluntary groups and professionals) are eligible to receive these Awards.

Individuals, Groups and Organisations from outside of the Parish, who make an outstanding contribution for the benefit of the community of Rustington, may also be considered for these Awards.

Following the closing date for Nominations, a small internal Working Party of Councillors will meet, along with the Clerk of the Council, to review all of the Nomination Forms that have been received.  After detailed consideration of all of the applications placed before them, the Working Party will make a Recommendation(s) to Full Council, at its May Meeting, of the name(s) of the proposed recipient(s) of a Parishioners' Award for that year.

Note:- These Awards are "once in a lifetime" Awards and will not be presented on more than one occasion to any Individuals, Groups, Clubs, Organisations or Associations.

For further information about the Parishioners' Award contact Rustington Parish Council, Council Offices, 34 Woodlands Avenue, Rustington, BN16 3HB

or email to: 

Previous Winners of the Parishioners' Award