News and Events

2023 Parishioners' Award Announced


Rustington Parish Council, at its Annual Meeting on 15 May 2023, resolved that:-

(a)        the 2023 Parishioners' Award in respect of a Group/Organisation be awarded to The Pantry, in recognition of its caring commitment, dedication and service to the community of Rustington.  You can find out more about The Pantry here

(b)       the 2023 Parishioners' Award in respect of an Individual, be posthumously awarded to Fred Spanton, in recognition of his outstanding dedication and commitment to the Rustington-in-Bloom Committee and the Rustington Horticultural Association for the benefit of the community of Rustington.

These Awards are made on an annual basis, in recognition of outstanding Public Service to the Community, and all Rustington Parishioners or parish-based Organisations (including Voluntary Groups and Professionals), or Individuals, Groups and Organisations from outside of the Parish who make an outstanding contribution for the benefit of the community of Rustington, are eligible to receive these Awards. Each recipient of the Award receives £50.00, together with a commemorative scroll, dish or trophy (suitably engraved), to keep as a memento. The Individual Award Recipient is also presented with the Austen Beard Trophy to hold for one year.

The 2023 Awards will be presented by the Chairman of the Council, Councillor Graham Tyler, at the Reception following the Council's Annual Civic Thanksgiving Service in September.