Applications for the 2024/25 Grant Aid Programme are now invited with a closing date for submissions of 31 January 2025.
All submissions will be considered at the Meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee on 24 February 2025.
Successful Applicants will be notified shortly after this date.
As part of the Council’s assistance to outside Groups and Organisations, Grants are made annually to local Clubs and Charitable Organisations.
Grants are primarily given as a pump priming exercise, to enable things to happen and to show the Council's support to those groups and organisations doing good work in the community.
Good examples of this are the Council’s financial assistance to the organisers of the popular Community Street Fayre and to the Citizens’ Advice Outreach Service in Rustington.
In order for the Parish Council to be able to rationally and objectively assess applications, a new one stop Application Form has been created alongside a revised set of criteria.
Full details of the Criteria including Grant Aid's Terms and Conditions can be found here
The new Application Form can be downloaded as a Word Document, for your ease of completion, here
Please note that only Applications submitted using the official Grant Aid form will be considered for funding.
To submit your completed application and associated documents please either email: or post to: Rustington Parish Council, 34 Woodlands Avenue, Rustington, West Sussex BN16 3HB