News and Events

A Changing Places Facility for Rustington


The Parish Council is excited to announce that works to transform the former Public Toilet Unit in The Street to a new Changing Places facility have now commenced, with an estimated completion date of 2 February 2024.

The Council has been able to provide this facility, as it was fortunate enough to be included in the Arun District Council’s successful funding bid for 50% of the total cost of five new Changing Places facilities across the Arun District.

The facility will be a larger than standard accessible toilet, providing extra features and more space for individuals with special needs.  It will be designed for dependent use, for example with a Carer, by older and disabled people, including those with profound physical and learning disabilities such as spinal injuries, muscular dystrophy and multiple sclerosis who often need extra equipment and space to allow them to be able to use the toilets safely and comfortably.

The new facility will include:-

  • A height adjustable adult-sized changing bench
  • A tracking hoist system, or mobile hoist if this is not possible.
  • Adequate space in the changing area for the disabled person and up to two carers
  • A centrally placed toilet with room either side for the carers
  • A screen or curtain to allow the disabled person and carer some privacy
  • Wide tear-off paper roll to cover the bench
  • A large waste bin for disposable pads
  • A non-slip floor

For more information visit: