The Committee is consulted on all Applications within the Parish by both the Arun District Council, as the Local Planning Authority and, in certain cases, West Sussex County Council.
Rustington Parish Council is a statutory consultee for all planning applications and other planning matters. Arun District Council, as the planning authority, is the decision-making body for planning applications.
The dates for scheduled Planning Committee meetings are displayed on the Parish Council Notice Boards and published on this web site. Agendas are placed on the Parish Council Notice Boards 3 clear working days before a scheduled Committee meeting and include details of the applications to be considered. Members of the public are welcome to attend and participate in the Public Question Time to speak on an item on the Agenda.
Following consideration by the Planning Committee, a response from the Parish Council will be submitted to Arun District Council.
The Committee normally meets on a fortnightly basis.
The Minutes of Meetings should be considered as DRAFT until approved at the next meeting of the Council/Committee.